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37 PIN D-SUB MALE (At the DTE)

37 PIN D-SUB MALE at the DTE (Computer).
37 PIN D-SUB FEMALE at the DCE (Modem).

Pin Name Dir Description
1 GND --- Shield Ground
2 SRI <-- Signal Rate Indicator
3 n/c - Spare
4 SD --> Send Data
5 ST --> Send Timing
6 RD <-- Receive Data
7 RTS --> Request To Send
8 RR <-- Receiver Ready
9 CTS <-- Clear To Send
10 LL --> Local Loopback
11 DM <-- Data Modem
12 TR --> Terminal Ready
13 RR <-- Receiver Ready
14 RL --> Remote Loopback
15 IC <-- Incoming Call
16 SF/SR --> Select Frequency/Select Rate
17 TT --> Terminal Timing
18 TM <-- Test Mode
19 GND --- Ground
20 RC --- Receive Twister-Pair Common
21 GND --- Spare Twister-Pair Return
22 /SD --- Send Data TPR
23 GND --- Send Timing TPR
24 GND --- Receive Timing TPR
25 /RS --- Request To Send TPR
26 /RT --- Receive Timing TPR
27 /CS --- Clear To Send TPR
28 IS <-- Terminal In Service
29 /DM --- Data Mode TPR
30 /TR --- Terminal Ready TPR
31 /RR --- Receiver TPR
32 SS --> Select Standby
33 SQ <-- Signal Quality
34 NS --> New Signal
35 /TT --- Terminal Timing TPR
36 SB <-- Standby Indicator
37 SC --- Send Twister Pair Common
Note: Direction is DTE (Computer) relative DCE (Modem).

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