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Misc unsupported Cables

These cables may or may not be correctly constructed. Handle with care.

Amiga to IBM RGBI Cable

UNKNOWN (To the Monitor).
23 PIN D-SUB FEMALE (To the Amiga).

9 PIN D-SUB ?? to the Monitor.
23 PIN D-SUB FEMALE to the Amiga.

9 Pin 23 Pin Comment
Ground 1 16  
Ground 2 16  
Digital Red 3 9 (Via 2 Hex Inverters, i.e 74LS04)
Digital Green 4 8 (Via 2 Hex Inverters, i.e 74LS04)
Digital Blue 5 9 (Via 2 Hex Inverters, i.e 74LS04)
Digital Intensity 6 6 (Via 2 Hex Inverters, i.e 74LS04)
Horizontal Sync 8 11 (Via 1 Hex Inverters, i.e 74LS04)
Verical Sync 9 12 (Via 1 Hex Inverters, i.e 74LS04)
+5V   23 (Power for the IC)


C128 80 columns to 1702 monitor Cable

9 PIN D-SUB MALE (To the C128).
PHONO MALE (To the C1702).

9 PIN D-SUB MALE to the C128.
PHONO MALE to the Monitor.

C128 C1702
Ground 1 1 Ground
Monochrome out 7 2 Signal

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